A kick-off meeting for the new grantees under the CSO programme organised and hosted by the EU Delegation Thailand
10 March 2020
On the 10th of March 2020, the EU Delegation Thailand organised and hosted a kick-off meeting for the new grant contract beneficiaries under the CSO programme. Dr Wijarn Simachaya, the president of TEI, along with Dr Pakamas Thinphanga, the director of SUCCESS project funded by the EU under this programme, attended the meeting with team.
Welcomed and opened by H.E. Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, Ambassador of the European Union to the Kingdom of Thailand, the event began with understanding the EU’s priority issues on climate change, promoting good governance, equitable employment and education, digital strategies and migration partnership. The EU strongly prioritises gender issues and inequalities and contributing to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Gender inequalities were discussed, and a speech was given by H.E. Mrs. Satu Suikkari-Kleven, Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to Thailand.
The meeting provided an opportunity for new implementing partners to familiarise with rules and regulations of the EU grant contracts, reporting requirements, financial and contractual issues, and communication and visibility expectations. In addition, the new partners were also introduced across the EU funded projects forming a network for collaboration as well as getting to know the EU Delegation Thailand team who are responsible for grant management and administration.